This week, I went to this Expat thing called Friday Night Drinking Club. Now, FNDC (once you’ve been accepted in the group) is a facebook group for Expats that meet as a group social at different bars every Friday night in Singapore. Each week they go somewhere different so it’s a good way of exploring new drinking holes and meeting new people, which for folks like me that no neither the holes nor that many of the people, it’s not such a bad thing to attend.
I’m a bit mixed about some of the whole Expat thing and I’m not really here to get rat arsed with lots of people I could get meet quite happily in London. Anyway, I found myself on a Friday evening with no real plan of anything to do and the group were meeting at a cool bar near my hotel so I decided to go along and see if it was any good. In the end, I had a great time, drunk my own body weight in beer and met some really interesting people who were actually very nice and not as twatty as I thought they would have been. It just goes to show that you should never really make an assumption about things without at least giving it a go in the first place.
Stumbling home at 4am in the morning and knowing a few more interesting people and learning a bit of Mandarin - and forgetting it again in the morning was not a bad way of spending a Friday night.
The interesting thing about spending your time with people in the same situation as you is that you soon realise that some of the thoughts you have about the place are the same as everyone else. Will it become home? Will it start to feel like home? Will I ever get served any dish without chilli f*cking sauce?
These are all questions that it seems a few people have here and it was good to mull them over with some other folk who are new or slightly new to these shores.
I did end up meeting a couple of people also writing blogs in various flavours. Turns out that there is a competition each year in Singapore for bloggers, with which there are various categories to be nominated in. I quite fancy at least being nominated for a category, if nothing more than getting let in for the free booze at the awards party next August.
Do me a favour and add yourself as a “follower” or link to me, or just about anything that makes me look like people give a shit about this tirade of thoughts that I’m bothering to share with you.
I promise if I win, I’ll thank each and every one of you.
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