As some of you may know, Singapore is a very hot and generally quite humid country. Typically, the low temperate is around 4.01am in the morning and that is still a pretty balmy 28C at the moment. The reason I know it’s this time is that’s the time I wake up pretty much most mornings with my tongue stuck to the mattress with not a single drop of moisture left in my body as it’s all been sucked into the bed clothes. I imagine it to be how vampires feel when they end up getting caught out in the sunrise and end up turning into shrivelled columns of dust in the films.
Anyway, I digress. From what I've heard it's about that temperature for the vast majority of the year and seeing as it's only a couple of hundred miles from the Equator it gets dark around 7pm most nights as well, which is an odd sensation. Having grown up with balmy summer days when it is still light at 9:30pm and the BBQ fires keeping the midges at bay, I've found it quite odd to be shrouded in darkness in the early evening whilst still mopping rivers of sweat from the back of my neck.
Most Singaporeans once they've discovered you’re a Brit ask you "So, how are you coping with the heat here then?". Whilst stood in a puddle of my own sweat I generally answer back " What heat?"
It's not so much the heat here, but the humidity. Often it's in the high 80's and sometimes it does reach 100. 100 of what you may ask?
Well, it's this if you must know.
"absolute humidity on a volume basis is the mass of dissolved water vapor, mw, per cubic meter of total moist air, Vnet."
Exciting stuff I know...
Having realised that this is a hot sweaty place the only obvious thing to go and do to make me even hotter and more sweaty was to sign up for some long distance runs. The reason for this was mostly not to turn into more of a porker than I currently am given that there is so much good food on offer here for very little money and secondly, as a way of getting to see some parts of the island and Malaysia that I've wanted to go and visit.
So, I've signed up for the mother of all runs being the Singapore Marathon in December this year. It's been a few years and a lot of pies since I undertook such a feat, so starting off from last week I've started to get prepared by, yes you guessed, eating less pies.
I'm going to try and get out a couple of times a week from next week once I've got my legs warmed up a bit. December is quite a way off, so I've got a couple of 10k and half’s along the way so that will be a bit of a yardstick of how I'm going to perform on the day. I think once I've done those few practice runs I'll be able to gauge how the formula of Age + Pies consumed + Christ it's Damn Hot / Sheer lack of Fitness = time lying on road panting equation is going to look.
It's not quite as mathematically scientific as the humidity one I'll grant you.
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