Monday, 15 February 2010

Bugger, Bollocks, Crap,..

OK - that's the angry words out of the way. Two bits of bad news today and I've not even packed the bags yet. Actually the first bit of bad news relates to bag packing, or at least the postponement of. I had an email this morning from one of the project team that I'll be reporting into saying that I'll need to be doing part of the London side of the project right at the start of the project, rather than doing it midway and giving me a good reason to come back to London in a few months. It's a bit disappointing for the soul as I was quite ready to head off and get stuck in. Secondly, it means I'm going to be in London for around another 6 weeks and I'm bored stupid of being cold now and a bit of exotic heat was up on the list of things I was looking forward to.

The other bit of bad news comes from the arse-wits at the LTA of Singapore. These are the muppets that decide you can only bring in a vehicle into Singapore that is less than 3 years old. So my grand plans to be scooting around Singapore on my red 996 Tom Cruise style form Top Gun have been put on hold. the only alternative I have to fix this is buy another in Singa or sell mine and get a newer one. Neither look like real possibilities. It's a shame as I've already made contact with the Ducati club of Singa and they seem like a good bunch who have some great rides along the coastal highways and into Malaysia.

I'll ponder this final one some more once I get out there, once it finally happens. It was part of the dream of going out there which has been pulled out from under me even before I've got on the damn plane.
At least I'll be able to tear up a few more miles in London once the thaw starts.

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