Friday, 12 February 2010

The first blog...

Well, here it is. The very first blog, of what I hope should be an interesting account of the adventure of the year or so ahead of my travels to Singapore.

So, on February 1st 2010 the call came through to say that my new company would like me to pack my bags, get on a plane with Singapore written on the side of it and jet off eastward to arrive just in time for cocktails.

I of course thought about this for about 10 seconds which was about 9 seconds longer than really required and tried to look moderately cool on the end of the telephone about the prospect ahead. I've now got until the end of the month to pack, sort out everything in life that I've been putting off and say a farewell to London after a 12 good long years.
Seeing some old friends this last couple of weeks has made me realise just what I'm leaving behind but knowing most quite well it won't be too long before the blow up bed starts to get an outing.

So, the final countdown begins. As of today it looks like I've got exactly two weeks left of cold, damp London in which to cram as much in as possible before it's goodbye London Pride and hello Singapore Sling. So what cultural and creative things am I going to be doing with my final two weeks??? Erm, I'll get back to you on that one.

I have been told on good authority that I should eat as much fish and chips as humanly possible before I go so it looks like it might be The Sea Horse Fish Bar chippy for lunch then.

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