Tuesday, 23 February 2010

King of the 2 year olds..

I'd planned to see as many friends as possible before I finally get on a plane and put a few miles between the UK and me so the last couple of weekends I've spent trying to catch up with as many of my friends that can't be arsed to come and see me in London. Granted most have them now have small children so that's a good enough excuse when I see how much effort and planning is required in the smallest of exercises. It makes having two cats look almost.., er like having cats actually.
It's been great fun having the time, energy and purpose to drive to the four corners of the country to go and see friends on their home turf. Over the last couple of weekends I've honed my nursery rhymes and ability to drink pretend tea to an absolute perfection. I really am the King of the 2 year olds as far as doing all the easy bits of turning up, smiling at the right time and putting the jigsaw pieces into the right places go. It has made the reality of what I'm actually undertaking hit home and it does go to show that we often take things for granted and that putting a bit of effort into going to see people in far away places, if nothing more than to do jigsaws really is worth is it.
The drive back to London from the North, South, East and West was ever more pleasant knowing that behind me were people that I cared about a lot and who were interested in my adventure which would help make the journey ahead somewhere new all the more exciting.

Thanks guys.

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